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  • 优程途尔

    • 主题: 乡村田园 文化艺术 家庭亲子 极地体验 私享极奢 轻奢探险 婚礼蜜月
    • 电话: 028-87099219
    • 地址: 成都市高新区天府五街美年广场销售中心916室
    优程旅游自成立起就一直主张“专属你的优质旅程”,旅行产品包括精品线路和定制旅行服务“优程旅游”以及轻奢小团,海外自由行套餐,顶级奢华邮轮行 世界各地别墅预订, 全球精品酒店预订,国内短假轻奢套餐和定制旅行服务获得了中国中高端旅行者的信任和支持。

    Headquarters was established in 2009 in chengdu, Eight years dedicated to the world's best vacation and lifestyle experience,to provide high-end travelers in private travel booking service, intentions to build the world's most beautiful and unique travel experience, and provide the leading fashion lifestyle.
    Since its inception, you-trip has advocated "exclusive quality trips."
    Travel products include premium routes and customized travel services And small luxury groups, FIT packages, top luxury cruise, Villa booking around the world, global boutique hotel reservation, Domestic short vacation package and customized travel service It has won the trust and support of China's high-end travelers.
    YOU-TRIP set up its own local DMC in the maldives in 2014
    In 2015, it set up its own local DMC in New Zealand