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  • 德迈国际旅行机构

    构,15 年来专注于深度开发主题特色旅行项目,推广定制旅行生活方式,为旅行者带来全新
    德迈国际旅行机构是中国最大的南北极旅行服务商,截至2014 年底,已成功组织1400 人次到
    南极,500 人次到北极,连续三年居亚洲市场第一。2014 年,德迈国际获胡润百富至尚优品最
    青睐的品牌之选“Best of the Best”品牌。

    Diadema is the leading International travel management company in China market, which was founded in
    Hamburg, Germany in 2001, and soon set up offices in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai. We focus on
    developing promoting various thematic leisure tour. Make your dream real, it is our honor to make your
    dream real!
    Diadema offers high-quality tailor-made services to all guests. Our concept is that More than a travel. We
    concentrate on developing Chinese high-end leisure travel market and provide all tailor-made service of
    high quality for banks, car clubs and so on.
    Diadema is the first organization in China to offer private tailor-made travel service, also is the No. 1 in
    China to organize the Polar trip professionally, which is the best vendor for the banks, finance
    organizations, luxury brands, clubs and so on.
    We also focus on theme tour, such as Safari tour in Africa, European Luxury tour, Cruise, Health tour,
    Family travel, golfing, self driving and etc.
    Diadema have organized more than 1400 people to Antarctica, 500 people to Arctic in past 6 years, and i
    s the NO.1 in this market in Asia now.
  • 恒众国际

    • 主题:
    • 网址: http://www.farers.cn
    • 电话: 400 0303 930
    • 地址: 北京市朝阳区朝外大街铂宫国际中心B座905,100021


    恒众国际Farers拥有覆盖全球100多个国家,超过300种服务于不同人群的高端旅游产品,依托强大的国际资源和海外背景,与世界顶尖航空, 酒店集团以及旅游供应商均有多年独家战略合作。现已成为众多银行家,企业家,社会精英追求高品质旅行生活的首选。


    •2016年《Conde Nast Traveler》《悦游•中国》杂志“读者之选” :2016 年中国10大高端旅行社;
    •2015年《Conde Nast Traveler》《悦游•中国》杂志“读者之选” :2015 年中国10大高端旅行社;

    Founded in 2012, Farers International has developed into a advanced international luxury travel management company. Focusing on providing the most ultimate tailor-made travel services to high-end consumers in China market,we concentrate on developing Chinese high-end leisure travel market and provide tailor-made service of high quality, including project evaluation, plan & design, operation and carry-out. All-Solutions meet clients from transnational corporation, enterprises, banks, PR Companies, member clubs, golf clubs, media and government associations.